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Email: elyssa.moeller@onslow.k12.nc.us
Elyssa S. Moeller
Hello! My name is Elyssa S. Moeller and I am proud to be a NWP Dolphin. I have a bachelor's degree in Marketing from Colorado Technical University and am a "beginning" math teacher. I have been teaching informally for 18 years, homeschooling two of my children into college and two others until middle school. In addition to my own children, I've taught diverse groups of children of all ages in homeschool coops, Girl Scouts, and tutoring for over a decade.
I have always been good at math, but I didn't learn to love it until college, when I learned to see the beauty of it, especially in the complex equations used in science. I hope to share my love of math around and plant some seeds that might grow into future math lovers. In addition to 6th grade math, we are going to learn about many of the ways math applies to our lives and occurs organically in unexpected places.
I have a passion for education and am so excited to facilitate math learning for 6th graders this year. Helping children achieve deeper knowledge of mathematical concepts, helping them gain confidence in their mathematical reasoning, logic, and critical thinking are all academic goals I have for my students. In addition, creating community within the classroom, celebrating our diverse backgrounds, and supporting one another on our math journeys are paramount to our success.
The truth is, we are all in different locations in the journey of math. It's a long, unending road and we don't march in step, we each trek at our own pace. I love supporting students wherever they are on that journey and love seeing the gains they make and the AHA! moments when understanding occurs. Progress is gauged not by grades and scores, but by forward movement and gains in elevation. We are all capable of more than we think.
Personally, I am married and we have five phenomenal daughters, ages 7-21, crossing the educational spectrum from first grade to a college senior majoring in physics with a minor in...math. I love spending time with my family, coffee, reading, collecting books I may or may not read, hiking, camping, photography, gardening, and fiber arts. The beach and the mountains are my happy places and I spend as much time in both locations as I can! I have a cat, a dog, a rabbit, and two guinea pigs.
I look forward to working together as partners in your child's educational journey.