Teacher Homepage
Fullem 8th grade Math: February 26 -March 1, 2024
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Standard/Objective |
NC.8.EE.8 |
NC.8.EE.8 |
NC.8.EE.8 |
NC.8.EE.8 |
NC.8.EE.8 |
Learning Target |
I can apply my knowledge about systems of equations |
I can apply my knowledge about systems of equations |
I can apply my knowledge about systems of equations |
I can review my knowledge of systems of equations |
I can apply my knowledge on the test. |
Assignments and Activities |
Do Now
Group work identifying number of solutions |
Do Now
Application of knowledge on systems of equations
Real world application questions
Do Now
Real world application questions
Study guide |
Do Now
Complete and review study guide |
Do Now
Unit test |
Graded Assessments |
Application questions |
Test |
Homework |
2 i-ready assignments due Study for unit test |